Friday, September 23, 2011

The count down..

I have 1 day to go, not even 24 hrs.
I am freaking out on my organizational stuff. I feel like I did all the things I planned but still at the back of my head there is this little "planning monster" sitting telling me that this is not enough. I hope this monster will disappear once I hop on the plane...Any advice to make it go away?
Just before packing..

The other thins is not to leave too much mess behind. To make sure my pets will be OK, how I will survive so many weeks without them? I wish somebody invented a convenient way of travelling with pets. If I could take my doggy at least, imagine that...

This evening the backpack will get filled a bit, hopefully no too much. The plan is to take as little as possible with me and get all the remaininig stuff there, eventually...
More news this evening on the packing event :-)


  1. Good luck for the packing ;)

  2. thanks, I will pack in the morning, as usual before any trip... :P
    seriously I have put most of the stuff on the table and it isn't much....

  3. 3mam qciuki :)
    Stefan owner
