Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vietnam - the summary

OK guys let's try and make a short summary here. What were my likes and dislikes. Where would I come back if I could. Where not? What will I remember best from all Vietnam?

But first a short foreword :).
Vietnam is not for everyone. If you are used to travelling in comfort, if you are a control freak always in a hurry, if you want to see fancy places and have fancy people around you... Vietnam is NOT FOR YOU.
Going to Vietnam should be well thought of. If you are not comfortable with basic standards in service, with occasional rip-offs, with indifference to tourists' needs... better choose another place. No point in complaining or shedding tears in a hotel room over a lost pair of clothing that never came back from a laundry... You will not change the Vietnamese people and you will not warm up to the place. Better leave and spend your time somewhere more..."western".

On the other hand,
If you are a free spirit and want to experience something different... if you don't mind unexpected things happening and people behaving unexpectedly. If you are curious of foreign customs and culture, so different to our dear European/Western comfort. Finally if you are up for an adventure and want to step out of your comfort zone... Vietnam IS THE PLACE for you.

I felt safe, never threaten by anyone or anything. Even with unexpected situations, I was always lucky and smart enough to come out with a smile on my face. Keep smiling yourself and people in Vietnam will smile back. This is a general rule that seems to be running in this country. People are happy and smiling to everyone. I have not come across a single child crying or adult not smiling. Funny, isn't it? You could think that they will be miserable at times and generally unhappy with the way they get to live their lives. But it is quite the opposite. Even with life being tough on them they find a new angle and keep going with a big smile on their faces. And this is what I will remember most...

Here we go, my places in Vietnam. Read on :)

Number 1 place to come back to: HOI AN

If you do not like it there, you will not like any of Vietnam most probably. It has got an essential things to appreciate in Vietnam: the atmosphere and charm, the cuisine, the unique architecture.
It is peaceful yet entertaining. A heaven-on-earth for young-in-love.
  • Walk around the old colonial style part to discover well preserved trade quarters
  • Take a stroll by Perfume river. Cross one of the bridges to the other side and enjoy the colours and smells of the local market there.
  • Walk on the old Japanese bridge
  • Try one of the local snacks - banana pancakes are worth dying for
  • Have a dinner in one of the small street local restaurants.  Discover best in class spring rolls and Pho Bo. Engage the restaurant owner in a casual chat. You will be thrilled by their politeness and hospitality.
  • Visit one of the local tailors and have your fancy dress or suit tailored for you.
  • Buy silk ;)

wise old man???

just chilling...

Number 2 place to come back to: NHA TRANG

I give it my second place mainly because of a nice mix of Western and Asian tastes I found in there. It gives a nice break from a countryside and Vietnamese approach towards tourists. In this place tourists can feel generally more appreciated than in other places. And this observation came to me as a big surprise.
  • It has many kilometers of perfectly maintained beach.
  • Fancy restaurants and posh bars are scattered at the seaside - nice variety of food and drinks. First decent sushi I came across :>
  • Nice mix of Thai and Vietnamese. Local small canteens are full of dining families, you can dine with them and observe the food culture.
  • Spot on hotels with best deals you can expect. You can haggle hard and get even better deals.
  • Visit a local handcraft gallery and buy souvenirs there. Amazing and really beautiful. I wish I had more money to splash around. I would have gotten few artistic pieces, I loved especially running horses picture. You could almost feel the wind and hear them coming!
  • Experience business service culture. When making deals in art galleries expect a nice treatment with a doze of local customs. Very nice experience and so different to haggling in the local market :D.
  • Go on a boat trip for snorkeling or diving. Catch your own big fish for your dinner!

    beach view - very relaxing all day long and in the evening. Especially when sipping on a cold drink ;)


Number 3 place to come back to: LAO CAI and SAPA

I love mountains in general and I kept the Vietnamese mounains for the last. From the activity point of view this would be my number 1 as I love running up and down the hills.
They will scare you with the cold weather.They will say it is dangerous because of mosquitos carrying deadly diseases in this area (close to Chinese border anyway).
They will say you will get tired, so maybe you'd better stay in the towns and beaches.
But you will know that you must see the mountains and you will pray for a good dry weather. You will take vaccinations to minimize the danger.

And you will love the idea of getting tired hiking up and down together with a company of local minority people trying to make the monthly sales with you. 

All of this will not matter once you get there.The road taking you up to SAPA is breathtaking itself. And it only gets better later on.

  • Go on at least two day trip with overnight stay with the minority people.
  • On a hot day have a swim in the river.
  • Appreciate the local food - they will treat you with home made dinner. It is polite to invite the hosts to join you for a meal. And they will bring their home made rice wine with them. Spot on! And no hangover the next morning, provided you don't mix it with beer or other alcohol ;)
  • Spend as much time as you can with your guide. Get as many stories out of him as you can. This will be something to remember, if you are lucky. No better way of getting to know ways of life in Vietnam.
  • Admire local handicraft - textile mostly. But also jewellery, pottery, sculpture, pictures..
  • Be creative in asking questions. For example: how much does getting married cost a groom? How many years must newly married stay in their village after getting married? Who decides about the marriage - a girl or her parents, or maybe it is enough for a boy to show interest?
  • Have fun hiking through a bamboo forest ;)
  • Make the most of your camera, as all the views will take your breath away. And the colours around witll blow your mind :).

Are you feeling excited yet?
Well I hope you find my story helpful and informative enough for making up your mind about Vietnam.


  1. Final few words about Vietnam to help you make up your mind about visiting this country. Want to hear more stories? Ask me directly ;)

  2. Vietnam is great place for travel. You describe such great information about all over vietnam. Due to this I get lots of knowledge about vietnam. You have great project.

  3. Vietnam is rich of natural beauty and beautiful tourist attraction points. it's Machu Pichu is awesome place to visit. Then there are so many beaches, museums and national parks to visit in Vietnam.

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