Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ecuador trip preparation, general information health and safety

This time I chose a new continent to bite on. Close proximity from North America and general country indicators made me believe that from all the choice, South America and Ecuador in particular, are going to become my new travel destination. The story of my slight fascination about Ecuador goes back to my Australian trip. An amazingly giving person I met on my way there, was and Ecuadorian. He made part of my Tasmanian Overland hike very special, made me feel more confident and welcomed in Tasmanian bush. After that trip I started thinking about destination ideas and doing research for feasibility. Yes, I know, I went to Myanmar first, a totally different direction, but from the feasibility perspective it was a better choice at that time. I was based out of Poland EU, now I am based out of USA East Coast. I will not get any closer to South American continent in the near future. So Ecuador it is. 

Not many people know that Ecuador is the first country to recognize Rights of Nature in its Constitution (2008). A small thing but it makes it a very interesting destination because it means the nature in Ecuador is so unique that it required its own voice. 
Check this video about Ecuador constitution Nature's Rights 
Yes it is diverse and very versatile. A relatively small country but packed with unbelievable number of rare attractions. Interestingly, it has also been recognized as a retirement heaven for Western expats (check the Global Retirement Index - Ecuador is no 2 for 2016, out placed by Panama).
But what about health and safety? 

There are many disheartening articles on line about safety concerns when traveling in Ecuador. For example this one 
I let you do your own thinking. Every journey requires its specific preparation and understanding of the underlying risks. I get that. I do my own underwriting to make sure I am comfortable with my choices. 
Among diseases one needs to be aware of while in Ecuador are Hepatitis A, Yellow fever, Malaria, Typhoid fever, Zika, Leptospirosis.
Majority of the diseases are spread by mosquito (day time and night time). For protection against mosquitoes, ticks, and other bugs you can use this online tool to look what product is right for you.

Here are the traditional substances known and confirmed as bug and mosquito repellents:
  • EPA-registered insect repellents* that contain at least 20% DEET
  • Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin); products include Cutter Advanced, Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus, and Autan
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD); products include Repel Lemon Eucalyptus
  • IR3535; products include Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Expedition and SkinSmart
 These are also good advice from the EPA agency:
  • In general, higher percentages of the active ingredient provide longer-lasting protection. However, this increase in protection time maximizes at about 50% DEET.
  • If you are also using sunscreen, apply it first, let it dry, and then apply repellent. Do not use products that contain both sunscreen and repellent. 
  • Do not spray repellent on the skin under clothing.

"OIE numbers for Ecuador, and the estimated incidence, may actually be higher if ProMED reports on an outbreak in the Pacific province of Manabi29 are taken into account, with an estimated incidence for 2002 for this province near 100 per million population." As a comparison here is what it says about Asia : "A recent study from the Thailand–Myanmar border confirmed leptospirosis as the second, post-malaria, most frequent cause of fever in this region.54 There are no official data for Vietnam, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Cambodia, and Indonesia, but studies on the incidence of the disease in certain patient populations (jaundiced,55, 56 non-malaria febrile patients55) and seroprevalence55 have confirmed the endemicity of the disease." After

Ecuador malaria map

Local mosquito transmission of Zika virus infection (Zika) has been reported in Ecuador. Local mosquito transmission means that mosquitoes in the area are infected with Zika virus and are spreading it to people.
The mosquitoes that spread Zika usually do not live at elevations above 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) because of environmental conditions.

Men who have traveled to an area with Zika but don’t have symptoms should use condoms for 8 weeks to protect their sex partners. Men who have Zika symptoms or are diagnosed with Zika should use condoms for 6 months. If the man’s partner is pregnant, the couple should either use condoms  or not have sex during the pregnancy. Women who have traveled to an area with Zika but don’t have symptoms should wait 8 weeks after travel before trying to get pregnant.  Women who also have Zika symptoms should wait at least 8 weeks after symptoms start before trying to get pregnant.

And then there is Yellow Fever.. so much fun! This time I decided not to risk (unlike when I was weighing my options for Asia). Somehow I prefer to have a peace of mind, looking at this map below.. Yellow Fever vaccination is not a cheap undertake, as I have learned, good bye $200 and welcome 10 years of protection.

Yellow fever vaccination recommended areas WHO 2013


  1. It was nice to meet you in Houston. Thanks for posing as my spouse. Goodluck on your journey!

    1. I am sure I would not get the job, terrible poser that I am :>
