Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cataract Gorge and the spooky lodge

Interestingly Tasmania has got lots of seasonal work to offer. Mostly at apple and wine plantations but also all kinds of skilled workers are needed - mechanics, engineers etc. Sadly, walking in the center, quite a few window shops were shut, I guess you can be going out of the business like anywhere else... I looked through adds in the hostel and at the supermarket and the wages are very inviting, even for simple jobs like apple picking one could earn 6-10$ per hour. Two weeks of that and you could get yourself a cheap second hand car and hit the road to cruise around Tasmanian beautiful coast. Unfortunately I did not have the time to do that, I was very tempted though! Launceston made me feel home like and I really would love to stay around for longer. But instead I had just one more day to spend.

Having spent most of the time strolling around the center and the suburbs I decided to give a go one of the local attractions - The Cataract Gorge.

Tasmania, settling in around Launceston

Tasmania was the real unknown for me. Carte Blanche, no knowing what to expect and what to look for..other than the Tasmanian devil, obviously. Some people were saying it is not worth the travel, it is not so "wild" and not so "unique". I even heard opinions that it is "like Europe". Surprised?
Well, if you compare it with some parts of Australia, surely it is not the craziest place. And the climate? Surely it does not go to such extremes like Australian Outback. But I have never regretted for a minute my decision to spend the next 10 days exploring Tassie.  

walking around Launceston, I liked the little streets and the houses 

Beautiful ornaments on most of private houses, the colours are stunning
I arrived in my hostel before the noon...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lądowanie na Tasmanii

Na drugi dzien po przylocie juz bylam na Tasmanii. Temperatura bardziej znosna, po Sydnej gdzie bylo 30 stopni plus wieczorna burza, na wyspie przywitalo mnie mile 15 stopni i slonce. Wylatkowo mily kierowca busa oraz rewelacyjne zakwaterowanie w ArtHouse hostel - cos za niespodziewanie wspanialy poczatek przygody. Zwlaszcza po niefortunnym poczatku w Sydney, z Funk House, gdzie jakos pokoi i czystosc pozostawiala wiele do zyczenia (znow te karaluchy!).

Inside Sydney

Sydney reminded me of London so much that I had to remind myself on occasions that I actually flew from another continent, with two stops on the way, with knee injury, with mistaken reservation for hostel booking...My first day in Australia... and I ended up in London?? WTF??
Maybe not exactly, weatherwise..:)
It started off sunny, but by the time the afternoon approached it was clear that the strom was coming... This could not stop me from browsing through the Rocks, King Cross, Sydney North...there is no better way of exploring places than by foot.

The Sydney Opera and City view

Queen Elisabeth ;)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Australia - początek

Australia jest jak otwarte drzwi, za którymi majaczy błękit. Wychodzimy ze świata i wkraczamy w Australię. DH Lawrence (1922)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vietnam - the summary

OK guys let's try and make a short summary here. What were my likes and dislikes. Where would I come back if I could. Where not? What will I remember best from all Vietnam?

But first a short foreword :).
Vietnam is not for everyone. If you are used to travelling in comfort, if you are a control freak always in a hurry, if you want to see fancy places and have fancy people around you... Vietnam is NOT FOR YOU.
Going to Vietnam should be well thought of. If you are not comfortable with basic standards in service, with occasional rip-offs, with indifference to tourists' needs... better choose another place. No point in complaining or shedding tears in a hotel room over a lost pair of clothing that never came back from a laundry... You will not change the Vietnamese people and you will not warm up to the place. Better leave and spend your time somewhere more..."western".

On the other hand,
If you are a free spirit and want to experience something different... if you don't mind unexpected things happening and people behaving unexpectedly. If you are curious of foreign customs and culture, so different to our dear European/Western comfort. Finally if you are up for an adventure and want to step out of your comfort zone... Vietnam IS THE PLACE for you.

I felt safe, never threaten by anyone or anything. Even with unexpected situations, I was always lucky and smart enough to come out with a smile on my face. Keep smiling yourself and people in Vietnam will smile back. This is a general rule that seems to be running in this country. People are happy and smiling to everyone. I have not come across a single child crying or adult not smiling. Funny, isn't it? You could think that they will be miserable at times and generally unhappy with the way they get to live their lives. But it is quite the opposite. Even with life being tough on them they find a new angle and keep going with a big smile on their faces. And this is what I will remember most...

Here we go, my places in Vietnam. Read on :)